In 2018, thanks to the High Commission of Belize, we have come to collaborate in floral decoration and product decoration.
My gratitude and thanks to the then diplomatic representative of the Belize High Commission, Perla and diplomatic representative Pilar, the then Secretary General Venia, the diplomatic administrator Scarlett and Matthew Odu, Chairman at Commonwealth Country League.
We were able to celebrate with them, this important celebration for these communities and carry out their customs and share with them the food and productions of each country.
It is a fair event where all the countries that make up the Commowealth Country League community share their traditions, customs and production.
It was a very emotional moment, as we were able to appreciate the customary food of each of these countries, which has the privilege of being there showing their products, their typical clothes, their fruit production, their chocolate production, their flower production, and also the production of some liquors.
You can find out more about this event at the following link HERE